Landlords are responsible for the maintenance of their properties. However, the kind of maintenance that falls on the property management company or the landlord must be stressed. Besides this, the
Over the past few years, the number of renters that reside in single-family rentals has surged, thanks to the recent global pandemic. This comes as no surprise to many people.
The advancement in technology over the years has offered humanity so much. For instance, anytime you type the word “automation” into the Google search box, you get a whole lot!
During the autumn season, it is crucial to perform maintenance on single-family properties. It is important to ensure that the property is in optimal condition for the forthcoming winter months.
The rental market presents a profitable opportunity for investors to grow their portfolios and yield higher returns. This endeavor entails meticulous property selection, regular maintenance, and ensuring that rental income
If you are a property manager or a landlord you understand the importance of ensuring that every property unit is rented while monthly rents are being paid promptly. Yet, circumstances
Whether you are a real estate investor or a property manager, you must understand that we operate in a world where dynamic content – including social integration, 3D walkthroughs, and
As a landlord, there are certain responsibilities you cannot shy away from. Besides collecting rent from tenants or answering calls every day, there are many other duties you must assume
The importance of finding a lucrative investment property cannot be ignored. This remains so whether you are just getting started in the rental business or you have purchased numerous rental