A Year in Review with MARDA Management

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Since its inception in 2010,  MARDA Management has continued to grow, quickly becoming the largest privately owned property management company in Windsor/Essex, and 2021 was certainly no exception.

While Canada, as well as the rest of the world, continued to work through the COVID 19 pandemic, MARDA was able to continue working safely: navigating Ontario’s red hot real estate market, and expanding our team to 50 full time employees. Most importantly, we did not have ANY temporary lay offs during the pandemic shutdowns.

The growth of our team to 50 full-time employees is easily the most exciting accomplishment for 2021, explains Marla Coffin, President and CEO. “The team is what makes everything happen.”

Continuing to navigate through the COVID market was challenging and presented new uncertainties as the climate changed and prices continued to soar within the rental market, for both property owners and tenants, throughout the year.

Here at MARDA, our team was able to successfully navigate and secure renters to vacant units and put our property owners in a position of making money on those vacancies. The bottom line at MARDA, no matter what uncertainties and obstacles presented themselves throughout the pandemic, has always been to make sure our clients see the greatest, and most profitable, return on their investment as possible. We’re beyond proud that throughout the past year, we’ve continued to deliver for our clients.

Through 2021, MARDA Management has had a 20% revenue growth overall, in addition to adding Huron Shores Property Management to our portfolio, which manages 850 condominium units and grew by 30% itself, this year. We’ve also launched a bookkeeping business, Vision in Numbers.

Providing our own bookkeeping business has allowed MARDA to provide a service to our property owners and vendors alike as they navigate through the world of real estate investing and business ownership.

As the team looks ahead into 2022, our clients can expect a lot of great new services and opportunities from MARDA Management.

First, we’re launching our very first warehouse. Think of it as a mini, MARDA-specific Home Depot, which we hope to have completed by the end of the first quarter. This will allow us to buy in bulk and provide discounted rates to our clients in an easy location, mitigating the need for our maintenance technicians to shop the aisles and wait in checkout lines in hardware stores.

We are also going to start offering The Predictive Index to our property owners. The Predictive index is a 2-3 minute quiz that provides insight into the personality of our clients; for the benefit of both our clients, as well as us, it’s a study and course rooted in talent optimization. It empowers organizations and investors to align their people strategy with their business strategy for optimal business results. This is a complimentary add-on that no other property manager is offering in Canada and it gives insights into the strengths of each of our clients, and well as some of the areas each client may need additional support in, in order to ensure the performance of their property, and their return on investment is the best it can be.

As 2022 grows closer, we are observing some cooling off in the marketplace in terms of buying and selling, as well as renting in the Windsor/Essex region.  With that said, it is beneficial to landlords from a rental perspective to see maintained high rental rates but that does create barriers to purchase and it also creates challenges for residents to move which often keeps them locked in at lower rental rates which is in turn, not ideal for the landlord/property owner.

As such, seeing the market cool is a big positive for property owners in the region, and will help strengthen their investment in the year to come.

We’re so excited to see what 2022 has in store for us, as well as our clients, and we’re honoured to have you with us on the ride.

Here We Grow!

From all of us here at MARDA Management, we want to wish you and your families a very Happy and Healthy New Year.

If you’re a property owner and looking to make the most out of your investments in 2022, please reach out and we’ll tell you how we can help! Give us a call at 519-255-RENT or email us at info@mardamanagement.com to get a free property management informational package.

Picture of Marla Coffin
Marla Coffin

Complementary Optimization Meeting

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