Canada’s housing market has seen an incredible increase in the past couple of years, and Windsor is certainly no exception — on the contrary, Windsor’s rental market, in particular, experienced
With the price of Ontario real estate at an all-time high, it seems that more and more people are either sticking with their rentals longer than originally intended, or even
Landlording — if you choose to do it yourself — is a high-risk, high-reward game. New landlords often try to maximize their profits by managing their own properties, but the
For experienced and beginner investors alike, there’s a lot of appeal to new construction. But is it genuinely worth the premium? Set Your Metrics — Think About Your Investment Goals
As we round the one-year mark on Covid-19, some sectors are experiencing a healthy recovery, while others continue to lag. Here’s how Windsor real estate investors can make a power
Let’s get one thing straight: 2020 hurt. It was a grueling year for Windsor real estate that hit many of us hard. From head, to heart, to wallet, the pandemic
Last year, MARDA received a donation of $7,500 from an individual who wished to stay anonymous. This donation’s purpose was to help tenants who were struggling financially and who could
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are gaining popularity in Ontario as a solution to expand living spaces, generate rental income, and contribute to the housing crisis. Whether you’re in Windsor or